You may have noticed that the admin interface for Store Locator Plus has been changing during the past few releases.
Last month My Store Locator Plus users noticed that the Advanced Settings menu has been renamed “Store Locator Plus”. This has been done as we work toward improving and consolidating our documentation as well as functionality between the WordPress plugin and the fully managed locator service.
This month our Store Locator Plus users , whether using the WordPress plugins or MySLP service will notice that the add and edit locations page looks a bit different. This is part of today’s 4.9.14 update for WordPress and 18.04 update for MySLP.
We Chose Vuetify
We have settled on Vuetify as our default styling and interface engine as we bring our interfaces up to modern responsive standards. For those familiar with web app building , Vuetify is a reactive app that is built on top of the common 12-column Grid layouts that are found in libraries such as Foundation and Bootstrap.
Updating The SLP UX
We think the new interface is easier to use for adding and editing locations. It is one step of many as we update the interface for thousands of sites while trying not to break anything. You may notice the other settings tabs are now doing some odd things like showing full width input boxes and a slightly separated submenu. We will adjust those as we move forward — “one bite at a time, this is a big elephant!”
We hope you like the new update. If you run into problems with the new location editor please contact us in the forums so we can address the issue.