Store Locator Styling

Proper styling of your store locator is one of the key components in creating a solid user experience on your site. All of the Store Locator Plus® offerings include access to our pre-defined library of CSS styles.

Clients that are using the Professional or Enterprise level of service also get the added advantage of advanced page structure layouts. The page structure are changes to the underlying HTML that is output on the page, providing the skeleton for the locator layout. Moving the search results to the left or right side of the map instead of below it, for example. While you can accomplish this with CSS rules alone, it takes a lot more CSS customization if the underlying HTML structure is pushing a significantly different layout.

Weebly Locations Map

Weebly is my new favorite “block builder” website creation tool.   Creating a basic website is quick and easy.  Adding a MySLP based locator is no different.    The process is very easy for anyone that can use a web browser.

Create Your MySLP Account

Sign up for your MySLP service. Any level of service will work including the low-cost Advanced level.


Add A Location or Ten

After you have created your MySLP account go ahead and add at least one location.     Once you have the locations added you will be able to deploy your locator.

Side Effects Of Browser Caching

Caching of your site tends to create a superior user experience as pages are served to your site visitors more quickly.  In the modern technological world of “NOW!”, where we expect our requests from technology to delivery immediately, anything that takes longer than a few seconds to deliver what the user asked for is considered slow, useless, or obsolete.

Caching of live WordPress sites is something that used to be a rare occurence.   With more informative articles, better hosting companies, and the user community “leveling up” their technical expertise, caching of WordPress sites has become more commonplace than ever before.   That is a good thing.

Many other web presence services and hosting companies have deployed caching for years.    Some are more advanced than others with their deployment process.   The better web presence platforms will manage flushing the cache for you.

If you are managing your own hosting and caching solutions here are some things we’ve encountered on our own WordPress sites and MySLP deployments.

Security or Proxy Service Caches

A security or proxy service is a “website request agent” that sits between your site and the real world.   It is like the bouncer that only lets the “good people” gain access to your site.    Many, like Sucuri, also have performance options built in.   These “performance” settings are a proxy cache.   They store a copy of the non-dynamic pieces of a website like CSS and sometimes JavaScript on their servers and send those resources from that copy.

That means you will need to clear these third party caches any time you update your site with something that changes the CSS or JavaScript.   Some caching services are more aggressive than others and cache ALL JavaScript files and CSS files.   Some are great at detecting file changes immediately while others could take an hour, day, or even a week to detect the changes.